a outdated made with mac flex

yeoooooooooooooo!!! welcome to the page. ain't it dope??? by the way if you dont like my website you can get out as well cos i aint havin none of it


Hello, and welcome to my humble abode. My home is this website, where five fine gents reside: Will, Titus, Nolan, Pranav, and Silas. We be living in this old, dilapidated house even complete with pulley windows! and they are not fun to use! This website was created because when I was given the opportunity to develop a static website for my IT2040 web development class, I thought, "Huh, static." like the crappy old Angelfire and GeoCities websites! So I set out to make my final project a trashy, Geocities-style static webpage. Do you know? this type of website is still a thing? Yep! Click Here to go to a video talking about it. I had a lot of fun creating this non-serious page and found out how hard making a website can be! the internet has become bland and flat so kick back and have a vomit bag ready! (or enjoy this garbage)